Thursday 19 January 2012

Lasange, Ukulele and a mini elephant...

 It was a picnic on a green lawn in front of a Jane Austin style house along with one of my buddies... Weirdest picnic I've ever had in my dreams... There under a tree we sat and ate lasagna.. Now it wasn't an ordinary lasagna, it was delicious, but definitely not ordinary... It had odd shaped picture pattern forms or something on top which apparently according to the chef was very nutritious... I couldn't care less... Except that this pattern thingamajiggy looked exceedingly weird...
 Nothing has ever stopped me from eating eating lasagna (which I might mention is my favourite food) and neither did these decorations...
 We sat there on the grass under a tree eating lasagna, laughing and chatting and all of a sudden as known to happen in dreams I was trying to play a ukulele... Now I can play guitar but for those of you who don't know, there is a huge difference between a guitar and a ukulele. For instance a ukulele has four strings where as a guitar has six... Or twelve when they are really really cool... So I was trying to jam around a bit on this on four stringed guitar-like instrument, when all of a sudden I was walking down the isles of a super market looking for a book with ukulele chords.
 I asked somebody who worked in the supermarket where they're booklets with ukulele chords where and as you know in dreams everything works out like you want them too and the booklet turned out to be instructions on how to ride mini elephants which I suddenly found myself sitting on...
 I gave up me hopes of finding the ukulele chords and rather busied myself with what I thought was much more exciting... Riding a mini elephant... I rode down the shopping isles on my new found friend and to my utter astonishment we didn't break anything or anybody...
 Just as suddenly as when I had started playing the ukulele and found myself positioned on a mini elephant I was robbed from the luxuries of my wonderful dreamworld by a voice who told me that the sun was shining and that the time had come for me to awake and enjoy a beautiful day...
 My only thoughts were that I do believe that riding mini elephants is way more fun than enjoying what ever beautiful day... Dreams sadly have a tendency to end... Unthoughtful things... The only dreams that has a tendency to last are the real ones... As if you didn't know that... Just remember that...
 I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies, this is the dawning of the rest of our lives on holiday!

Wednesday 18 January 2012

A new year, a new beginning, a new deal...

 Some people might call it a deal, other a dare, I for one don't have a clue what to call it... Maybe 'my English assignment for 2012' is appropriate. Anyways you might be wondering what I'm talking about, so I'll tell you whether your puzzled, confused, interested or not. Its a long story that reveals a little bit of personal family history and so on, so if your the kind of Blog reader who is easily bored by what will follow I kindly suggest that you just go on and read the next blog. The only reason why I'm doing this after all is for one person alone...
 Let me not bore you and rather start with my story...
 Me and my sister are like sisters are... We fight, we chat, we enjoy moments together, we tease each other (mostly I tease her), we just have a swell time forgiving each other for all the various things that we do to each other... We have always gotten along pretty well, but last Friday night something out of the ordinary happened... After the local baptist youth which we attended ended we got home and after she used my brush (like always!!!) we started chatting... We talked and talked and laughed and talked and laughed and the story goes on and on... Eventually she looked at her watch and saw that it was 2 o'clock in the morning!!! "Wow that's late... oh but did you see...?"... after what seemed like 10 minutes she looked at her watch again... 3 o'clock... 4 o'clock... I've never before told her things like the things I told her that night... I've never laughed so hard... or more appropriately suppressed such hard laughter...
 I think it was at about three o'clock when we were discussing the tedious and boring subject of school, (do not ask me why!) that we made the deal... The deal is... (da da da dummm!!) that I have to write a blog post every two weeks... Shame poor you... what an anti-climax! but you'll have to forgive me because that is the truth.. I will in the future blog the funny moment at home (She is tragically going away to varsity.... It's going to be such fun!!! such freedom!!! but I'm going to miss her... ) and my dreams which are apparently hilariously funny... Urmmm okaaay we'll have to see about that... so now that you know what the deal is I'll continue with the story about that night...
 Five o'clock I sneaked into my parents' room to go and switch of the alarm and sadly I think I woke them up... anyways I tried to be silent but being me I guess I didn't succeed ;)... As I was halfway across the room my mom asked "Up so early?" I replied that me and my sis had just chatted all night long and that I was matter-of-factly still in my clothes which I had went to youth in... "Oh are you sorting out issues?" " Gee, Thanx mommy ;)" anyways we went into the kitchen and devoured most of the peaches to my brothers delight (no sarcasm), and started watching a movie... now there's something I have to tell you... due to the fact that my one eye focuses better than the other I only read with the one... When I get really, really tired while I read the 'non-reading' eye slowly starts closing while the other continues to read... Now it has never happened to me while watching a movie but that morning I had the privilege... NOT... Anyways half way through the movie I stopped it and went to bed at last... After five hours of sleep I woke to remember that we had a friends 16th birthday party that night... Shucks, I'm a genius!
 As a footnote I feel honoured to tell you that I was perfectly awake and not tired at all at a very awesome party... what ever that has to do with the deal... Inner Space is Complicated... Especially mine seeing that it is my thoughts and mind... I hope you've survived through this long and tedious blog post...
 Over the next few months hopefully you'll enjoy reading about what is happening in my lovely hometown and inner space ;)
 Greetings from an inexperienced blogger!